10 models
The leather handbag, or the aesthetics of movement. Discover the universe of luxury handbags for men and women by Camille Fournet: tote bag, crossbody bag, hobo bag, emblem bag, business bag.
Leather attitude
A way to hold it and to stand with it. At first glance, the Camille Fournet leather handbag could be summed up in a gesture. Clear, natural, almost instinctive. Primordial. Simply grab it by its handle. Take it and understand it. Handle it and get attached to it. Make it his own. Then will come other gestures, which will consecrate an aesthetics of movement. The leather handbag will take on the look of an approach that will punctuate the presence. He will suggest a way to hold him and to stand with him: a behavior, an attitude.
Worn daily, luxury leather handbags for men and women combine comfort and elegance. The handbag according to Camille Fournet: hobo bag, emblem bag, business bag, tote bag and crossbody bag.